Managing health issues, especially breast cancer, can be hard. We believe in self-advocacy, patient-centered care and shared decision-making between individuals and health care providers. The better informed you are, the better you are empowered to manage your health.


• Black women die from breast cancer at a higher rate than White women.

• Black women are diagnosed with breast cancer at an earlier age.

• Black women are diagnosed with breast cancer at a later disease stage.

• Black women are diagnosed with aggressive breast cancers, like triplenegative breast.cancer at higher rates than other


• Being a woman and getting older or the main breast cancer risk factors.

• Your breast cancer risk increases as you get older.

• 5-10% of breast cancer cases are hereditary.

For more info about the personal risk assessment or your results, contact: lisa. hayes@pink-4-
Take a personal breast cancer risk assessment here.


• Know how your breasts normally look and feel.

• Look for breast changes like a change in the size or shape; a lump or hard knot; dimpling or puckering of skin; itchy, scaly nipple rash; nipple discharge; pain in one spot that doesn’t go away

• Report any changes to a health care provider.


• If your personal risk assessment finds you at a higher risk, talk to a doctor about when to start screenings and about the right kind of screening tests for you.

• Get a mammogram every year starting at age 40 if you are at average risk.

• Have a clinical breast exam at least every 3 years starting at age 20 and every year starting at age 40.


• Maintain a healthy weight, especially after menopause

• Get 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 days a week

• Limit alcohol intake

• Limit menopausal hormone use

• Breastfeed, if you can
Estimated number of new diagnosis for Black Women Every Year

Resource library

Visit our library of resources to read more or watch videos about specific topics, such as dense breast tissue, cancer myths, triple negative breast cancer and 3-D mammography or to learn more about breast cancer disparities. 

Request a presentation

We have a team of knowledgeable staff, advocates and volunteers who provide customized education workshops, speak at events or share information at health fairs or other community events. Request an educational workshop below. 

What's your reason why?

To educate others about cancer, help someone through the cancer